Monday, December 2, 2013

Most Expensive Dog In The World !

Worlds Most Expensive Dog is the Red Tibetan Mastiff which was recently sold at a staggering price of $1.5 million.
Big Splash, or Hong Dong in Chinese, was bought by a coal baron from the north of China. 

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the most costly dogs that you can take home as a pet.In addition to being very expensive, it is also one of the largest dog breeds worldwide. The largest of their breed has been reported to stand more than 32 inches tall, with a weight of over 150 lbs. These #dogs come in varying colors, including black, brown, red and gray. Pure white Tibetan Mastiffs have also been reported, but they are extremely rare.

Unlike many other #breeds, these extremely expensive #dogs are known for not having the same unpleasant odor that many #dog owners encounter. In fact, they have long since been respected as guardians of #farm #animals.

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